Vettings (PrePurchase Examinations) Guidance During Covid-19 Pandemic – UPDATE

We are pleased to announce that Deben Valley Equine will be able to offer vettings (PrePurchase Examinations) again in mainly Suffolk under strict government guidelines.

Seen a horse you would like to buy?

Have you seen it work & then ridden it yourself; staying within the guidelines, have you seen the horse more than once and shown a knowledgeable friend or instructor. Do you like it and feel it is capable of the work you would like it do? Preferably performed that work when you tried it out.

Asked the seller about its history – working and veterinary.

Still your dream horse? then book your vetting; always better to find out as much information as you can before you have paid for it.  The vet will help you make an informed decision about the suitability of the horse for your needs. 


Thank you